all postcodes in ML4 / BELLSHILL

find any address or company within the ML4 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML4 3AA 24 0 55.815523 -4.02734
ML4 3AB 12 0 55.815024 -4.028532
ML4 3AD 1 1 55.829181 -4.036768
ML4 3AE 19 0 55.81566 -4.027794
ML4 3AF 30 0 55.814659 -4.029641
ML4 3AG 16 0 55.814854 -4.030848
ML4 3AH 12 0 55.81346 -4.031446
ML4 3AJ 34 0 55.812291 -4.033683
ML4 3AL 1 1 55.82987 -4.035288
ML4 3AN 1 1 55.832956 -4.040527
ML4 3AP 16 0 55.815719 -4.030702
ML4 3AQ 50 6 55.814183 -4.029585
ML4 3AR 16 0 55.815471 -4.031056
ML4 3AS 37 0 55.816354 -4.031437
ML4 3AT 16 0 55.815397 -4.031755
ML4 3AU 47 0 55.816598 -4.031913
ML4 3AX 14 0 55.815822 -4.033213
ML4 3AY 40 0 55.815299 -4.035452
ML4 3AZ 52 0 55.815555 -4.035737
ML4 3BA 16 0 55.813573 -4.035522